This page provides some insight into my thoughts, likes, and dislikes. If something resonates with you or simply intrigues you, feel free to reach out through the contact form at the bottom of every page on this site. Let’s chat!

My Values

I’d like to be…


Have clarity in your values and self-defined purpose.

Reflect on what you’re doing. Why are you doing what you’re doing? If you continue down this trajectory, where will you be in X years? Is that where you want to be?


Sustained intention.

Have a high follow-through rate: if you say you’re going to do something, do it.


Be generous with your attention on the people and things that matter the most to you.

Be present. Strike up conversations with those around you. Go on walks and check out your surroundings. Be interested in what people have to say.

Show that you care.


Keep producing music, writing, cooking, and coding.

Make things. Have fun.


Source: Paul Graham’s essay on earnestness

Do things for the right reasons and try as hard as you can at doing those things.


If you never mess around, you’ll never find out.

Be open to honest feedback and criticism.


Have high agency.


My Beliefs

Strong convictions, loosely held.


I don’t have kids. If that ever changes, I’d like to implement these things:

  • The Hard Thing Rule from Grit by Angela Duckworth: A hard thing is something that requires daily, deliberate practice
    • Purpose: to encourage grit while allowing the child to choose their own path
    1. Everyone in the family does a hard thing (including the parents)
    2. No quitting the hard thing in the middle (you can quit at a natural stopping point, but no quitting after a bad day)
    3. You choose your hard thing based on your interests (no one else chooses it for you)

My Questions

Some things I think about

Biology / Biotech

  1. How does the cost and time of drug development compare between approaches that prioritize fundamental, mechanistic understanding of a disease versus approaches that prioritize symptomatic treatment?
  2. How does the FDA affect progress and innovation in biotech?
  3. How can we leverage the products of Moore’s Law (advancements in AI/ML) to counteract the effects of Eroom’s Law?
  4. How can we democratize biotechnology / scientific tools to create a biology version of the Homebrew Computer Club?
