Cool quotes.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Art is how we decorate space, music is how we decorate time.



Stewart Brand

Fast learns, slow remembers.  Fast proposes, slow disposes.  Fast is discontinuous, slow is continuous.  Fast and small instructs slow and big by accrued innovation and by occasional revolution.  Slow and big controls small and fast by constraint and constancy.  Fast gets all our attention, slow has all the power.


Franz Kafka

Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.



Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

”Attention can be invested in innumerable ways, ways that can make life either rich or miserable.”

“This sense of humility—the recognition that one’s goals may have to be subordinated to a greater entity, and that to succeed one may have to play by a different set of rules from what one would prefer—is a hallmark of strong people”

“It is one thing to recognize that life is, by itself, meaningless. It is another thing entirely to accept this resignation. The first fact does not entail the second any more than the fact that we lack wings prevents us from flying”