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Personal Projects

A recent observation of the kinds of personal projects I pursue has prompted me to ask myself this question:

If I had an infinite amount of money and time, would I still be doing what I’m doing? Would my professional pursuits be the same?

I hesitated before answering yes to this question, which alarmed me. After thinking about this, I recognize the reason for my hesitation is my impatience.

  • The alternative: software, tech startups.
  • The question: so, why not software?
    • My primary interest lies in healthcare and the life sciences. This has been true for as long as I can remember.
  • The bottom line: I want to help build something to help people. Ideally, to help improve health outcomes.
  • Source of my frustration: biotech seems to be much more regulated and slow-moving compared to software/tech startups
  • What I want to do: biotech
  • What I’m on the path to doing (and what matters most at the end of the day): biotech
    • cool, what I want to do and what I’m on the path to doing align. that’s all i need to know.

Reminder to self:

don’t lose sight of what really drives you. it’s easy to be distracted by shiny things that seem to promise fast(er) results.