
Being in the zone—aka being in a flow state—is arguably one of the most awesome, fulfilling feelings out there.

Went to a cafe to day and did work for 4 straight hours.

I wonder whether forming an association between productivity/focus and cafes is a good thing. Well, maybe not for my wallet. As long as caffeine consumption is controlled, and the association isn’t exclusive, everything should be fine.

”Hell Yeah or No” by Derek Sivers

Started reading today. Short (~130 pages maybe) read. Book is high in value per word.

👉 Full book notes here.

Highlights so far from Part 1 / 3 of the book: “Updating Identity”

  • Choose the local vs. global balance that works for you (being useful to your immediate, local community vs. the world).
  • Your actions show you what you actually want. React to this in 2 ways:
    1. Stop lying to yourself and admit your real priorities
    2. Start doing what you say you want to do, and see if it’s really true
  • Success comes from doing, not declaring.
  • Speak in the present tense only about what you’re actually currently doing. Let go of past identities.
  • Whatever you decide, optimize for that goal, and be willing to let go of the others
    • My take: if you have more than X (X == 2, 3, idk) priorities, then none of them are priorities at all. ‘cause ya simply can’t focus on everything all at once
  • If you expect criticism in advance and take pride in your stance (however unusual it may be), you can bash on with a smile, being who you want to be.
  • Look around at existing ideas in the world. You can imitate them and still offer something unique.
  • Old opinions shouldn’t define who we are in the future. Because they can change at any moment due to whatever experiences you go through.
  • Public comments are just feedback on something you made; they are not a reflection of who you are as a person.
  • Character is a result of your little choices and little actions. How you do anything is how you do everything.
  • Both a present-focused future-focused mindsets are necessary. A present-focus helps you enjoy life, but a future-focus helps you stay disciplined.
  • Small actions change your self-identity.
    • My take: It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. For instance, you take the first step and start exercising, you convince yourself you are someone who exercises, which further encourages you to exercise the next day, and the day after that.